
Louth County Council - Choice Based Lettings (CBL) - Quick User Guide 

Step 1

Log into cbl.louthcoco.ie

Step 2

Enter the username and password as issued to you in your letter

Step 3

The system will prompt you to change your password to one of your choice that you willk remember for all future log-ins

Step 4

Once logged in your personal details will appear on screen. Should any of these details be incorrect you will be prompted on how to amend these.

Step 5

You will also be prompted to add a mobile number & add 2 security questions.  This is to assist with any future problems with forgetting your password

Step 6

Once you have logged in and confirmed your details are correct you can proceed to the “home” page which will show the list of vacant houses that are currently advertised in your selected Areas of Choice

Step 7

You can now proceed to view the information on these properties and should you wish to express an interest in being considered for a  property  you can “Add to your Basket”

 Step 8

Once  you have any properties in your basket you MUST click on the shopping trolley icon and " Proceed to Checkout" which will mean your expression of interest will be recorded for the property. If you do not complete this step your expression of interest WILL NOT be recorded and you will not be considered for the property.

  • Any vacant houses will be put up on the CBL Website every Tuesday morning and you will have until the following Monday night at midnight express your interest
  • A full user manual is available to view/download on the website
  • Please contact a member of our Customer Services Team in Louth County Council  on 1890 202303 should you have any difficulty or need assistance in using the site.



Even though care has been taken in the preparation and publication of the contents of the Louth County Council’s Choice Based Letting website, Louth County Council does not assume legal or other liability for any inaccuracy, mistake, mis-statement or any other error of whatsoever nature contained herein. Louth County Council hereby formally disclaims liability in respect of such aforesaid matters. The information contained within Louth County Council’s Choice Based Letting website is of a condensed and general information nature only and can change from time to time. It should not, by itself, be relied upon in determining legal rights or other decisions. Readers / users are advised to verify, by direct and live contact with Louth County Council, any information on which they may wish to rely. Louth County Council has endeavoured to attribute copyright or other intellectual right to the rightful owners where such course has been appropriate. Where any attribution has been missed or overlooked Louth County Council, on being informed, will correct and otherwise make good. Louth County Council has not reviewed any or all of the sites linked to its website. Louth County Council is not responsible for the content of any site linked to its website or any off-site pages. These links where they are inserted, if any, are provided solely as a convenience.

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Generally there will be no charge or cost implications attaching to the permission.

  Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • 1) I have forgotten my password, what do I do?

    Should you be unable to re-set your password through the prompts on the system when you log in, please contact one of our Customer Service staff on 042 9335457 who will be able to re-set it for you

  • 2) I have difficulty using the system and do not understand it?

    All our Customer Service Staff are fully trained on using the CBL system and are available Monday to Friday 9.00 - 5.00 to assist you in using the system . You can call into any of our offices in Ardee, Drogheda & Dundalk for assistance. 

  • 3) I do not have internet access to use the system, what do I do?

    All our Customer Service desks have a PC for use should you not have internet access where staff can also assist you in using the system.  All our Libraries also have pcs and internet access to assist you.  

  • 4) What Can I see on Choice Based Lettings when I log in?

    You will see any available properties in your selected Areas of Choice

  • 5) How do I know if I have been successful on bidding on a house on Choice Based Lettings?

    The successful applicant  for the house advertised  will be notified by letter with a provisional offer.  The house will then be marked as "Allocated" on the CBL system. 

  • 6) Will I still be offered a house if I don't use the CBL system?

    All our general housing allocation are now done through CBL. People may be considered for housing outside of the CBL process if they are Transfer Applicants, in a Disability Category, in OAP category or in Emergency and Homeless category.  All other allocations are  now done via CBL and all general housing applicants must use the system to be considered for housing.

  • 7) What happens if I bid on a house and then change my mind?

    All properties are live on the system for one week from Tuesday to Tuesday. You can bid or remove your expression of interest anytime within this week, however once the week has passed you cannot withdraw your bid.

  • 8) What happens if I get offered a property through CBL and no longer want it?

    You will be deferred from being considered for further housing for a period of 12 months.  You will not lose your credit time on the housing list and after the 12 month period has lapsed you can continue to use CBL.